Welcome to M Gallery

M Gallery was founded by Miss Michelle Shao , who serves as the gallery's president. Miss Shao is an expert on media and has worked as editor-in-chief for numerous magazines. She is also a poet. Dr. Shin-Yi Yang serves as the gallery's director. He has a doctoral degree in art history from Cornell University and works actively as a curator and critic. M Gallery is based on the founder's profound vision and rich experiences with the arts.
M Gallery was formed as a young company committed to representing and promoting emerging artists especially from mainland China. We want to put fun into the art scene and break down some of the stuffiness and elitism that often exists in galleries and exhibitions.
M Gallery aims to serve as a bridge between Chinese artists and the international art world to better represent the interests and needs of the artists, collectors and the interested public.
M Gallery is a commercial gallery that focuses on contemporary Chinese art, primarily oil paintings, photographs, and Chinese ink paintings. We also irregularly exhibition artists' works abroad.
M Gallery's clients include museum, foundation, and private collectors internationally; our gallery also partners with art media and art schools in China.
M Gallery has a rolling program of art exhibitions . During 2007-2008, we will hold exhibitions in Beijing, Seoul, Taibei, NewYork, Dubai and Paris - details appear on our website.

Jin Zhilin | Hu Xiaogang | He Tiesheng | Sun Dawei | Yang Tao | Shu Jie | Liu Zheng | Li Manjin | Li Baoxun | Pan Junfeng | Su Zhe | Gao Hao | Zhang Yanfeng...

Mon-Sun 12am ~ 19pm
    Tel&Fax: (8610) 52023966 Email: mianlishao@gmail.com Web: www.mgallery.com.cn copyright: M Gallery